That's Sandy Frink?!?!
I wouldn’t have said this just a few months ago, but I am
very grateful for dark people. I
realized early on that, as much as we’d like to believe they don’t exist, there
are people out there who want nothing more than to cause others the type of
pain they feel on a daily basis. And
while I won’t venture to say that it doesn’t suck when darkness comes into your
life, I am grateful that it exists.
Writings as old as the Bible speak of “wolves” among us and
we all know that for every force in the universe, there is an equal and
opposite force at work. We can spend all
day debating whether or not the behavior of these dark souls is avoidable, but
there are dozens of books written on that subject, so why waste the time? I for one believe they have a distinct and
very valuable purpose on this earth and that, as we can, we should show
gratitude for their destruction in our lives.
I was chatting with a friend back in the fall and we were
discussing this very subject. She had
just recounted an old Crow Tribe story about what they labeled “The Fool”. The Fool was a troublemaker and a
trickster. Within the tribe he would
cause pain, hurt, heartache and all sorts of difficult times and unnecessary
drama – similar to Loki in the Norse tradition.
But the Crow revered him. They held him in careful hands but in high
esteem because he was within their lives to reveal their own true nature and to
elevate their own benevolent inner cores. Through the trials and sorrows that
The Fool created, he was giving his victims the gift of a chance to increase
their strength. They could choose to dim their own light, becoming dark
themselves, or to stoke their inner fires and shine brighter than ever by
facing the pain and transforming it.
After she’d finished her story, I said “Wow, how sad that
some people are sent here to be miserable and to cause misery.”
“Or, rather, how noble”, she replied.
I believe wholeheartedly that we are all here with a
distinct purpose and that I am sitting here in my pajamas writing this because
I’m supposed to be, and that the ratty, cat-hair-covered stool on which you are
reading this is exactly where you are supposed to be. (By the way, Walgreens
has lint rollers on sale two for one.) With
that belief, we can open our minds to think about all the planning that went
into this life.
If we were born in the place we were intended, to the people
for whom we were intended, with our own genetic code to determine nature and
our family’s influence on our nurture, then we can also begin to imagine that
all defects to that genetic code, and abuses and traumas that occur to some of
us during childhood, are pre-determined – forming us and bringing about the
events and characteristics that are necessary for our roles here on Earth. And if you can imagine all of that, you can
picture the conversation you might have had with The Fool prior
to your birth:
THE FOOL: “I’ll see you when you’re in your late 30s. It’s really going to suck, but remember that
you need to go through it.”
YOU: “OK, forgive me if I hate you for awhile. I hope I can get past it.”
Then, at the end of this life, you’ll meet again and compare
notes. It’s kind of a beautiful thought
because it allows you to elevate the people in your life whom you would
normally label as “bad” to the level of a comrade, a co-conspirator and a
spiritual friend.
I know that the choice presented to me by The Fool was the
greatest test of my core I have ever experienced, and the greatest gift I have
ever received. I was brought down to the
point where my light was so weak it was almost flickering out. I allowed myself to test the waters of
darkness for awhile, which brought me nothing but more darkness.
And then I discovered a visualization: Imagine a skyscraper, gleaming and beautiful
and soaring way up beyond the clouds, out of view in its majestic heights. You walk into the lobby of this building and
notice that all around you are intricately designed machinations – the systems
that keep the lights on in the building.
You’re very familiar with this floor – this is your body and your
conscious mind – you live here every day.
In front of you, you see an elevator, which you enter, noticing
that there is one floor below, the basement, and an infinite number of floors
above. You hit B. Down you descend, feeling the increased
weight of gravity and the sense that you are underground. As the elevator opens, you look around and see
doors labeled “jealousy”, “spite”, “hate”, and “bitterness”. You see a number of others, each
representing all of your base instincts.
As you stand there, you feel claustrophobic. You experience all of the
pain of these emotions. You remember how
bright and airy the lobby felt, and how many floors there are above this and
you long to get back to the surface.
The basement floor can only be accessed with a key, inserted
into the elevator panel. Before hitting
the button to ascend, you remove the key, determined to never come back to this
dark, dank basement. You drop the key
down the elevator shaft, hearing it clink and clink and clink as it falls
further and further outside of your reach.
Satisfied that you have overcome these base feelings, you
ascend, finding doors marked “insight”, “intuition” and “dreams”. You proceed upwards to find doors marked
“love” and “wisdom”. Every floor brings
you higher and higher into yourself – each more vibrantly bright and cheerful
and peaceful.
And as you begin to explore the inner “floors” of your own soul,
you understand and are thankful that it was The Fool who allowed you to see
this “skyscraper” for the first time.
The Fool handed you the key to the basement and you chose to go upwards
It’s not fun and it’s not easy, but I promise you – when
things seem to be at their worst, just wait a month. If it’s still bad then,
wait another. The giant epiphanies come
after the most unbearably slow and tedious “friction moments”. When you have three or four days in a row
where it all seems lost, just keep faith because on the fifth day the poison
that was leaving you will be gone and you will feel lighter and airier. You will literally become a much better
version of yourself. And if it feels
like you are being squashed out of a tiny, tiny birth canal – that’s
normal. I still have forcep marks on my
otherwise perfectly-egg-shaped bald head.
And when that poison leaves, you are almost blinded by the
light of the love around yourself. The
love you feel for yourself. The
successes you begin to have. The
affections you begin to receive. When you
were wading through darkness, you could not find the light. Once you begin
shining brightly, others of your kind seek you out, drawn to you like a star. I’ve truly seen the law of attraction at
work. And it’s really sexy.
So, don’t despair and especially don’t hate the dark of this
world. When you experience it, see it as
a necessary gift and look within yourself to locate what it is that you need to
learn. Do not hesitate, but jump right
in because the more quickly you can learn the lesson, the sooner you are able
to begin experiencing the rewards of your learning.
For those that need a fun, movie-inspired visualization for
this feeling, I describe it as the moment in Romy & Michelle’s High School
Reunion when Jeanine Garofolo’s character, Heather, obsessed and heartbroken
over her teenage love Sandy Frink, finally sees him again after many years and
“That’s Sandy Frink?!?!
What the hell was I thinking???”
It’s in that moment (just like when you throw away the basement key) that she realizes that all of the pain she felt
for so long was her own fixation over the dark – the pain of loss, the
yearning, and the unrequited love. And
in just a moment, Heather releases it all and turns to walk out the door to
pursue life, bumping into her soul mate on the way out.
And, in the end, we love
both Heather and Sandy, seeing them as just two people with different missions
in life.
And just like that, I love The Fool.
I hope that in some other place and time, hopefully somewhere more
ethereal and peaceful than Earth, we can meet again, share a hug (if beings of
light can hug) and talk about our experience.
More than that, I hope that we can plan again together for the next
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